Monday 10 October 2011

gadis berimaginasi

weee , hello hello . apa habaq semua ? ahaha . jap mcm nk tekentut pulak . protttttttt ! opss ! sorry semua , tk tahan pulak . hehehe . telepas ammonia pulak .
ceeee faten la bakal saintis dunia nnt . hehehe . insyaallah aminn . hmm .
seronok nyaa tadi dpt jumpa mera dgn s.a kt sekolah . hehehe . 2 hari tk jumpe rinduu tau . kome ape tahu . well tadi baru dapat result TRIAL :)
 alhamdulillah three of us dpt top 10 , wahh bangga niee :D
we'll try our best to get straight A in our spm , insyallah .
oh ye , starting from this saturday im going to library EVERY saturday with s.a , mera hmm im not sure . she'll ask umi later . hehehe . cant wait to spend time with my girls . hehe
so like u guys know , friday is coming and and and and anddd im so SCAREDDDDDD ! mera please check out my lengga ! waaaa . takodnyeee :(
i hope everything's gonna be fine , insyallah . hehehe .
oh ye , mera ! mama ask me to bake a cake and mama said ' aten , ce tgk mera dh pndai buat kek , kmu bile lg' . krohhhhh . hehehe . ok mama , i'll try it this sunday . saturday nk pegi library maa . heheheh . mera ! ayuh berentap ! hahaha kidding kidding :D
tkkan la nk lawan dgn sahabat sendiri kan kan ? hehehe .
hmm s.a ! i miss you . hehehe
ohhh yaa , lupa pulak . our dance steps pun dh ready semua . waaa tk saba :)
saja nk bgtau our dance steps direka sendiri oleh me , mera and baby a.k.a faizah :)
to all form 5 girls , just wait and see our performance . hehehe
this wednesday i guess is our next audition .
weee goodluck 5 rose !

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